Vision & Values



Our Vision keeps us on track and gives an insight to “why Flo Digital”?

Flo Digital’s goal is to break down the barriers of Digital Marketing for Small Business Owners. We keep it simple for those that want to dip their toes in, we mentor small business the are looking for support and guidance and we consult with small businesses that need an outside perspective on how their current marketing is working or research new market opportunities and business operation efficiency. We consult with the Small Business Owner or Marketing Manager and develop a cost effective marketing strategy. We combine our passion for Small Business and Digital Technology and have a vision to empower Small Business Owners that are non tech with guidance and insights to the benefits of Digital Marketing for their business. We are Digital People that put People before Digital and ensure that the human element is not lost. We embrace the benefits of both and ensure that people and digital are both working to their full potential.

We are part Business Analyst, part Creative and part Technology. Oh yes, we are most definitely human!

Our Vision is to create a collaborative working relationship with Non Tech Small Business Owners which is based on shared values(see below) and develops long lasting relationships that grow with your business.

Our clients success is our success!



Our Values are who we are at the core.

  • Clarity

  • Honesty

  • Integrity

  • Respect.

We value your time and will give you the respect you deserve for choosing the Small Business Ownership path. Our team are passionate and dedicated and will expect the same gratuity in return.

We aim to bring clarity by mentoring and consulting small business owners. Constantly seeking improvement and new tactics that give you the edge over competitors. Showing you the reports and allowing you to make informed decisions based on the facts and results.

Integrity - Choosing courage over comfort, choosing what is right over what is fun, fast or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.

-Brene Brown

Client relationships are valued and we endeavour to exceed expectations. Our ideal clients share our values and see us as part of their team.

Flo Digital’s team of experts are passionate about what they do and will be invested in your business success.

Let’s kickstart your business

We will be with you every step of the way.